What Causes Those Little Beard Curls to Form?

After our beards reach a certain length, we can finally see what our natural beard hair type is. We eventually discover whether we have straight or curly beards, and we learn that our facial hair is either coarse or fine.

Another thing that happens to many guys once their beards reach a certain length is that they discover little curly strands that seem to pop up out of nowhere. We’re talking about those random curly beard hairs that don’t seem to follow the same pattern as the rest of our facial hair.

So, What Causes These Little Beard Curls?

If you’re wondering where those little beard curls come from, this guide should help you figure that out, since there are a number of factors that can contribute to this common occurrence.

Cause #1: Your Natural Curl Pattern

We all have a natural curl pattern that is based on our genetics. We can’t really see our beard’s curl pattern until we’ve grown out our facial hair for at least a few months. Sometimes, those little random curls indicate that you have a unique curl pattern that’s been determined by nature. In other words, it’s not really something that you can stop from happening from time to time. Some curl patterns naturally cause a particularly kinky hair to grow from time to time, usually after it’s gotten decently long.

Cause #2: The Health of Your Facial Hair

Another thing that can cause certain strands to develop a curl is the overall health of your facial hair. If your facial hair is unusually dry, for instance, individual strands can get completely stripped of moisture, and as a result, they can coil up due to what’s essentially dehydration. If you’re using beard care products that are drying, or you’re spending a lot of time in a house that has dry air due to your cooling or heating system, you may find that these random curls occur more frequently.

Cause #3: Your General Health

Believe it or not, the state of your health can have a lot to do with the way in which your facial hair grows. If you’ve always had very straight facial hair and suddenly these random curls start popping up, you may want to consider any internal changes that have taken place recently. One interesting factor that can affect a beard’s curl pattern is stress. Sudden, severe stress can essentially confuse the hair follicles, causing them to behave unusually. Similarly, sudden dietary changes can disrupt the natural growth pattern of your facial hair, causing it to develop random curls here and there.

Key Tips

Now that you know what can cause those random little beard curls, it’s time to discuss the ways in which you can get rid of them. What we don’t suggest is plucking them out individually, as this can cause damage to both the follicle and the skin. Instead, try using one of these tips below.

Tip #1: Keep Your Ends Trimmed Regularly

Some men find that those random kinky curls only develop when they don’t regularly trim their ends. After the beard has reached a certain length, the ends of the facial hair are very mature, which means that they’ve been exposed to various factors that can cause damage, ultimately changing the curl pattern. Also, some guys just naturally have a curl pattern that only presents itself after the facial hairs have reached a certain length. The obvious solution is trimming those ends on a fairly regular basis.

Tip #2: Stop Using Moisture-Stripping Products

If you’re using harsh beard care products that strip away moisture, stop immediately. Your facial hair should never feel dry after you’ve applied your products to it. Avoid beard washes that are full of sulfates, and styling products that contain synthetic chemicals that can damage the beard.

Tip #3: Watch Your Diet and Stress Levels

Diet and stress can both play a role in the curl pattern of your beard. If your diet has been lacking lately, or if you’ve been dealing with a lot of stress all of a sudden, consider making some significant changes to your daily routine in order to overcome these issues. Besides benefiting your beard, you’ll be improving your overall health.

Tip #4: Avoid Extremely Dry Air

Dry air is an enemy, as far as beards are concerned. When the air is dry, our facial hair loses the moisture that it needs to be healthy. If your home is dry because of your heating or cooling system, invest in a humidifier or two.

Tip #5: Add Some More Moisture to Your Routine

Most often, beard-related issues are caused by a lack of moisture. We underestimate just how much moisture our facial hair needs to be healthy. Dry facial hair can lead to those random, individual curls. We suggest investing in the quality beard oil and balm.

Final Curly Bearded Thoughts

Sure, those random beard curls are annoying, but usually, there’s an easy solution. Use this guide to figure out the best way to get rid of those curls in a way that also prevents them over the long term. And, remember to check out the beard care products from Texas Beard Company, as they can restore the health of your facial hair so that you can say goodbye to those curls once and for all.

Beard Oil 4-pack
Price: $47.99
Glorious Beard Shirt
Price: $12.00
Beard Oil 4-pack 3oz
Price: $89.97

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