Quick Tips for Avoiding Shaving Rash and Razor Bumps

For so many men, it seems like no matter how much they spend on a high-end razor, stay on top of their blades and use high-quality products, they end up with shaving rash or razor bumps. These post-shaving conditions are actually very common, and they can happen to anyone at any time. However, that doesn’t mean that they can’t be prevented.

Today, we’ll be explaining the science behind razor bumps and shaving rash, and helping you figure out what you need to change in your routine in order to avoid these annoying conditions altogether.

What are Razor Bumps and Shaving Rash?

Razor bumps and shaving rash are both forms of irritation that result from the friction of a blade against the skin. The repetitive motion of shaving and the sensitive nature of skin can cause a host of irritation-based conditions to occur.

Shaving rash is simply irritation that has affected a large portion of the face. The motion of the razor going across the sensitive skin has damaged the top layer of the complexion, causing a rash to occur that’s often accompanied by itching, discomfort and redness.

Razor bumps, meanwhile, are essentially miniature ingrown hairs. Those little bumps are follicles that have become irritated enough to grow inflamed, and the hairs are slightly pushed back into the follicles due to the swelling that has occurred.

Tips for Avoiding Irritation While Shaving

Now that you understand why these annoying conditions occur, it’s time to figure out what you can do so that they never happen again.

Tip #1: Shave in the Direction of Hair Growth

This tip is essential. The direction in which you shave determines how much friction occurs against the skin and hair follicles. It’s always suggested that you shave along the direction in which your facial hair naturally grows. This will prevent the blade from tugging unnecessarily on those follicles and, as a result, the sensitive skin that surrounds them.

Tip #2: Make Sure the Skin is Wet Beforehand

Running a blade across dry skin is never, ever a good idea. Your skin needs a layer of lubrication between the complexion and the blade. Otherwise, that friction is going to damage the top layer of your skin, resulting in major irritation. So, always make sure that your face is nice and wet before shaving. We recommend using lukewarm water as this helps open up the hair follicles so that the razor has to do less work.

Tip #3: Always Moisturize After a Shaving Session

Once you’re done shaving, thoroughly moisturize the skin that has just been shaven. Moisture is a weapon against irritation as it helps the skin heal quickly from any trauma that may have occurred. Use a plant-based moisturizer that’s free of irritating ingredients for the best results.

Tip #4: Ensure That Your Blade is Sharp at All Times

A sharp blade is critical if you want an irritation-free shaving session. That’s because a dull blade has to do more work in order to cut those hairs. This means that it will pull on the skin and the follicles, which can result in rashes or razor bumps. Always stay on top of switching out your blades once they begin to show signs of dullness. Your skin will thank you.

Tip #5: Use a Gentle Cleanser for Sensitive Skin

Lastly, make sure that the cleanser you use before you shave doesn’t contain harsh, irritating ingredients like strong fragrances and sulfates.

No More Bumps or Rashes!

Razor bumps and shaving rash sure can be annoying. Fortunately, however, they’re both fairly easy to prevent. Follow these tips to avoid irritation during your shaving sessions.

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